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Fletplents are meant to be an alternative to plastic based
fake plants. The plants are made entirely from paper
without glue or coatings. This ensures that when
the lifecycle of the fletplent ends they can be
easily recycled and repurposed.

Our plents excel in efficient packaging. 

When disassembled, 

all parts fit in an envelope making shipping easier, 

more effcient and less expensive. 

this envelope will protect the plent form damage during travel and provide the instructions for assembly on the inside.

If given the apropriate number of stamps fletplents can be send via traditional mail as a postcard.

They may not be able to produce oxygen, but they can bring colour to any room.

There is even potential for company specific customisation or the use of 100% recycled paper!

How to take care of your fletplent in 3 easy steps 

  1. carefully assemble;
  2. place in room with plenty of sunlight;
  3. never water Fletplents as it will kill them;
  4. enjoy scenery!

Contact Fletplents Designer

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Fletplents are meant to be an alternative to plastic based fake plants. The plants are made entirely from paper without glue or coatings. This ensures that when the lifecycle of the fletplent ends they can be easily recycled and repurposed.

Our plents excel in efficient packaging. 

When disassembled, all parts fit in an envelope making shipping easier, more effcient and less expensive. 

This envelope will protect the plent from damage during travel and provide the instructions for assembly on the inside.

If given the apropriate number of stamps fletplents can be send via traditional mail as a postcard.


They may not be able to produce oxygen, but they can bring colour to any room.

There is even potential for company specific customisation or the use of 100% recycled paper.

How to take care of your fletplent in 3 easy steps:

  1. Carefully assemble;
  2. Place in room with plenty of sunlight;
  3. Never water Fletplents as it will kill them;
  4. Enjoy scenery!

Contact Fletplents Designer

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